Integration & Journal Entry allows you to sync Telpay Online with a variety of accounting software to streamline your payment process.
You can choose an accounting software to integrate with from the list. You will be prompted to login to your accounting software to connect to Telpay.
When your integration is active, you can select which modules to integrate:
- Integrating Bills and Supplies will be required for Pay bills to integrate Billers and Payments.
- Integrating Payroll will be required for integrating Employees and Pay Runs.
- Integrating Customers and Invoices will be required for integrating Payors and Payment Requests.
- Integrating the Telpay Journal Entry into your accounting software will automate reconciliation between the two (2) platforms. If you want to manually reconcile, you can leave this unselected.
We recommend adding your Debit and Credit account in the journal entry, so the Journal Entry Report exported will balance with your accounting software.