Navigate to Pay Bills from the left menu and click on Biller Management or from the Dashboard click on Biller Management.
To add a new Biller, click "Add Biller".
Search for a Telpay Verified Biller
Enter the business name or business number into the search bar. For better results, type three characters or more, and be as precise as you can.
Plus you can narrow your search results by applying filters.
Create Biller
If your Biller does not appear in the results, you will need to add a new Biller to your database by navigating to the bottom of the screen and click "Create Biller".
- Enter the required information: Phone number, and postal code.
- Identify whether this Biller will require a Customer Account Number as part of the payment information. If you select "No", Telpay will populate Customer Account Number field with the Biller's phone number. This Customer Account Number will accompany all payments to this Biller.
- Click "Continue" for the next step.
Biller Banking Information
Enter Biller's banking information for direct deposit payments. NOTE: Telpay will send your Biller payment by cheque and request their bank information if you don't have it entered.
Accounts Payable
- Identify the expense or debit side of the transaction. If you do not specify a specific GL for this Biller, it will default to the GL set up in Company Preferences.
- Specify whether invoice details are required for this vendor. If selected, payment information for this Biller will include the invoice number and date in their payment remittance notification.