How To Process International Payments with Telpay and Payline

Processing International Payments 
Please note that you must create an account with Payline FX and download the international payment module prior to processing international payments in the Telpay for Business software. 
1) On the main menu, under 'Manage Billers', select 'Add New Billers'

2) Select 'Business or Organization'
Note: When making an international payment, the type of payment MUST be a Business or Organization.  International payments cannot be processed as provincial agencies' payments or funds transfers.  

3) Type in the company name and select 'Find'.  
Please note that at this point, you will be required to provide the banking information for international payments as well as the bank details such as name and address.  Telpay does not store international payment banking information and your search will not cross-reference with any billers. 

4) Select 'Create your own Biller'.  Enter your biller/customer account number.  Then select 'Add and Pay'

5) Fill out the additional information for your biller. 
  • Enter the full mailing address 
  • Select the appropriate currency. 
  • Enter the email address (*required, if you do not have an email for your biller please enter;  
  • Business Number 
6) Select 'Enter Banking Information'
Please note: your supplier may provide you with both the ACH Transfer and Wire Transfer information.  Please enter the ACH information, only. 

7) Enter bank address then select 'OK'

8) Once you have entered the payment details, you will be taken back to the main menu.  Under 'Bill and Payables', select ' Pay Bills and Setup Payables'

8) Select the date of payment then select 'OK'
9) Enter in the invoice details and select 'View Dist' to continue

10) Select 'Accept'

11) After selecting 'Accept' in the view distribution box, select 'Accept' again and then 'Transmit'.

12) Enter your authorized password in the field below or ‘Email for Approval’ and select ‘Select Payment Option’

13) Select 'Obtain Quote' to obtain your quote from your financial service provider

Once the quote has been generated, select ‘Accept Quote’
14) In order to confirm your acceptance of the exchange quote provided, you will be required to enter the password provided by Payline.  This password is not your Telpay for Business software password. 

15) Select payment option #1 then click ‘Send Payments’
Note: International payments cannot be funded using the PAD funding option (option #2). This is because exchange rates that are quoted to Telpay for Business users by Payline are only guaranteed for 3 business days.  Therefore, the PAD funding option does not offer enough time to ensure the payment will be deposited on the correct payment date with the quoted exchange rate.

16) Once your system has successfully connected to Telpay, you will receive a Transmission Report which you can print or continue. This report will be stored in the history of your Telpay for Business software.

17) You will then be required to back up your system. Select a network drive or an external drive. Then select 'Backup'.

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