Processing Payroll in Advance

Can we send our payroll 2 weeks in advance if our office is going to be closed for that pay period?

You can date your payroll as far in advance as you wish. Remember to have the funding in place for that advanced pay period.

1) Import or manually enter your payment details into Telpay.  

2) Select the post dated payroll date for the payroll file that corresponds with the deposit date you have created in your accounting software.  This screen will allow you to post date your payroll several months in advance.  Once you have selected the correct date, press ok

3) Continue to process and approve your payroll payments in Telpay just as you normally do for any other payroll file. 

4) Remember to ensure that you select a funding option that will correspond with the lead time for your post dated payroll files.

You can choose to either: 
  1. Send the funds to Telpay from your financial institution’s online bill payment service, or;
  2. Instruct Telpay to debit your bank account  *Advanced Debits funding option is only available to existing Telpay for Business desktop users.



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