Get Started with Paying Your Suppliers, Vendors, Consultants

Below are the steps to help you get set up to pay any supplier electronically.

Step 1: Authorization Form

If you haven't signed up for Telpay for Business, please complete our Business Payment Application Form.  

Please note: Before submitting this form you will need to upload a copy of your company's void cheque, articles of incorporation and have your Authorized Officer(s) electronically sign the authorization form. 

Step 2: Download & Install Telpay for Business

Download Telpay for Business Software and follow our Software Installation InstructionsTelpay for Business Software User Agreement and Terms of Service

Step 3: Account Approval Process

Your Senior Officer and Primary User will be notified by email as soon as your account has been approved. You are now ready for the Software Setup Instructions.

Step 4: Setup Telpay for Business Software with Your Accounting Program

Launch your software, set up users and integrate it with your accounting program. Review and follow Software Setup Instructions and Integration with Accounting Programs. 

Step 5: Activate Software with Temporary PIN

In order to activate Telpay for Business, the software will prompt you to enter a Temporary PIN.  This PIN is a small random amount that Telpay will credit/debit your bank account. It takes approximately 1 to 2 business days for this random credit/debit to appear in your bank account.  Take note of the amount and enter it into the Telpay for Business software when prompted. 

Step 6: Configure Billers (Vendors/Suppliers)

You will need to configure each biller's information before submitting your payables to Telpay.  For each new biller, you will be prompted to enter banking information and your payment will be made electronically.  If no banking information is provided, Telpay will send a cheque on your behalf at a charge of $3.00/cheque.  From that point on, Telpay will make every effort to obtain the biller's banking information for them to receive payment electronically.  

Learn More - Collecting Banking Information & Sending Cheques

Step 7: Make Payments

You have a variety of options available to you to prepare and transmit your bill payment file to Telpay.  
Option 1 - Create a payables file directly in the Telpay for Business software
Option 2 - Create your payables file in your accounting software to import your payables into Telpay for Business.  

Click on the links below for instructions.

Sage 50
AccPac ERP

Pay Suppliers directly through Telpay for Business

Step 8: Funding Payments to Telpay

Each time you transmit a payables file to Telpay, you will be prompted to choose a Funding Payment Option.  Ensure you choose the Funding Payment Option that works for you.

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