Can I delete a payroll payment/bill Payment that I have already sent to Telpay?

You can delete/cancel your payroll and bill payments directly in your Telpay for Business software.  

  • For payroll, you must delete the payments by midnight two nights before the payment date.
  • For bill payments/payables, you must delete the payment by midnight one night before the payment due date. 

Please note, that once you cancel the payment, you are still charged the transaction fee.  For example, if you delete a bill payment, you will still be charged the transaction fee.  If you cancel an entire payroll file, you will still be charged the payroll file transaction fee. 

Follow these step-by-step instructions for deleting/cancelling a payment within your Telpay for Business Software or view a video tutorial:

1. Under Transmission select 'Delete Transmitted Payments'

2. Select the 'Del' box beside the payment you wish to delete.

Please note: you are able to delete individual items from payroll files; however, the ENTIRE FILE be funded INCLUDING the amount of the deleted payment in order for payroll to be processed.  The funds for the deleted item will be returned once the payroll has been processed. 

Please note in software version 6.6.157 you are able to delete individual items from payroll files, the entire file MUST be funded including the amount of the deleted payment in order for payroll to be processed

3. Select 'Submit for Transmission'

4. If you are sure you want this payment deleted, select 'Yes'

5. Enter your authorized officer’s password, or email for approval and select 'Send Deletions'


6. View/ print your transmission report for the deleted items and select 'Continue'

7. You will then be required to back up your session. Choose a network drive or an external drive. Select 'Backup'



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