How to Update Telpay for Business Software

Before downloading the new Telpay for Business software, it is important to determine which software version you are running. Simply open the Telpay for Business software and click on "About Telpay for Business".  If your version is below the current version, download Telpay for Business v7.0 and follow the steps below.


Step 1. Check the current software's path location by right-clicking on the Telpay for Business icon. You will need to download and install the new software to the same location. Usually, it is installed on the C drive in the billpay folder - C:\billpay\

Make note of the path location without the "\telpay.exe" as this has to match Step 5b below. 


Step 2: Download Telpay for Business (Version 7.0)  Telpay for Business Software User Agreement and Terms of Service

Step 3: Locate and open the downloaded file "TelpaySetup.msi".


Step 4: Click on "View License Agreement", review and accept the terms.  

Step 5:  Click "Next". The next window shows the path of where the software will be installed.

Be sure this is the same location where the existing software is currently installed.

a) If the path is incorrect, click "Change" to install it to the correct location.  

b) If the path is correct, click "Next".


Step 6: If you are using QuickBooks, be sure to click "Next" as shown below. Otherwise, click "Finish".  Your new software install is now complete.

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