Can I make a donation payment electronically?

Yes, you can process your donation payments electronically for Telpay and receive a donation receipt.  Making a donation payment is very similar to processing a supplier payments.  Follow the step-by-step instructions below for processing your donation payments.


Open Telpay for Business.  From the main menu, select ‘Add New Billers’


Select 'Business or Organization'


Under 'Biller Name', type in the company name you wish to make a donation to. Then press 'Find'.


Select the company name, select 'Add the selected biller'.


You will then be asked for your customer/account number. If you have not been provided with an account number, you can use the company’s phone number. Press Add and Pay.


Select the payment date, press 'OK'.


Under Payment amount, key in the amount you wish to donate and press the 'tab' key on your keyboard twice. 


You are now able to press 'Accept' for your donation payment.


Press 'Accept' and fill out the donation form accordingly.

Once the form is complete, press 'OK'.


Select 'Transmit'


Enter Authorized Officer’s password, or email for approval and then select ‘Select Payment Option’


You will be presented with the Funding screen. Choose your preferred funding option, and then select ‘Send Payments’

Once your system has successfully connected to Telpay, you will receive a Transmission Report which you can print or continue. This report will be stored in the history of your Telpay for Business software


You will then be required to back up your system. Select a network drive or an external drive. Then select 'Backup'.


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